IAM for “German National Research Data Infrastructure” (NFDI)

Sander Apweiler, Matthias Bonn, Peter Gietz, Marcus Hardt, David Hübner, Thorsten Michels, Wolfgang Pempe, Christof Pohl, Marius Politze

Jan 2024


NFDI Background

  • NFDI: National Research Data Initiative
  • https://nfdi.de
  • Three rounds of calls
  • 27 Consortia (call 1 + call 2 + call 3)
    • To span many different scientific disciplines
      (social, humanities, engineering, earth, chemistry, physics, …)
  • ~ 90 M€/a
  • 5a + (potential extension: 5a)

NFDI Background

  • NFDI first focussed on consortia
    • asked (infrastructure) questions later
  • Identity and Access Management
    • Initially not in focus
    • Added in 3rd call via “Base4NFDI”:
      Basic services: Persistent Identifiers (PID), Metadata, Multicloud, IAM, …
  • IAM4NFDI Project submitted (during last years fim4r)
    • Active Phase officially starts on Feb 1st 2024
    • Funding 6FTE until Jan 2026


(Based on requirement analysis run before proposal)

  • Provide state of the art IAM to all NFDI Consortia
  • Use home organisation identity
  • Enable delegated group management (Virtual Organisations)
  • Open for NFDI and beyond
  • Compatible with AARC / EOSC
  • Community AAI as a Service!

Project status

  • We have an architecture ✅
  • We have a set of attributes ✅
  • We have the initial set of policies ✅
  • We have the initial documentation ✅
  • We have the demonstration Community AAIs up and running ✅

All documented at https://doc.nfdi-aai.de




Technical Details tl;dr

  • Based on AARC outputs
  • Both SAML and OIDC supported
  • Including the German eduID
  • Standardised set of attributes
    • Following EOSC AAI spec
    • Added ssh_public_key
    • Pushing voperson_external_id (and orcid)
  • Supporting three independent components for authorisation
    • Assurance (RAF)
    • Community Attributes (entitlement mainly for expressing VO/group membership)
    • Home Organisation attributes
  • Well established contact mailinglists:
    • Core Team: aai-kernteam@lists.kit.edu (email)
    • General Information list nfdi-aai-info@lists.kit.edu (subscribe)

Results so far

Community AAIs

  • Demonstration instances of all CAAI Softwares available
  • Supported softwares:
    • AcademicID:
      • Operated and developed by GWDG
    • didmos:
      • Operated and Developed by DAASI international GmbH
    • Reg-APP:
      • Operated and developed by KIT
    • Unity:
      • Operated by FZ-Jülich
      • Developed by BixBit / AuthVizor

Consortia <-> CAAI map


  • Exploiting the AARC Policy Development Kit
  • Users (in Helmholtz-AAI) were unhappy with defining the VO AUP
    • Unsure about which responsibilities are actually taken
    • Asking their legal department for advice
    • Spending months to establish VOs
    • Way out
      • Split AUP into VO-AUP and CAAI-AUP
        • VO-AUP is minimally minimal
        • Users agree to CAAI-AUP on first login
  • Users (in particular Service admins) were unhappy with “too many policies”
    • Way out
      • Colorise policy table
  • Open questions
    • Should we expose SNCTFI to Home Organisations? (Experience, anyone?)

Operational Concept

  • Operation of infrastructure Components (CAAIs, InfraProxy, …)
    • Best-Effort during the project phases (5-10 a)
    • Sustainability models are being evaluated during the project
      • Along with all NFDI services at large
  • Legal definition (25 pages and growing) of all AAI components
  • Defines operation of CAAI for NFDI Consortia
    • Provides operations and service options:
      • “included via project funding”
      • bespoke “additional” services
  • Production operation of CAAIs is currently starting

CAAI - InfraProxy

  • ~27 CAAIs + 2-3 InfraProxies
  • Set up a small SAML federation first
    • Make use of entity categories as part of DFN-AAI
  • Later: use the setup for other protocols
    • OIDC
    • OpenID Federation
  • Likely SATOSA with a small SAML federation between CAAI and InfaProxy

Tool: naco

For testing attribute release

  • Nice exercise
  • Learned: need more precise definition of attributes
  • SAML supported (sort of)


  • Support AARC-G071 at CAAIs
  • Make sure key messages are better understood:
    • We (IAM4NFDI Project) operate one of four CAAI Products as a service for each of the 27 NFDI Consortia
    • Consortia have to choose one CAAI solution
    • We develop the Infrastructure Proxy
    • Once it is there, services for multiple NFDI-Consortia are migrated from CAAI to InfraProxy